Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Speaking of ___________

Congrats to the Celts.
Wow. They pulled it off. I was a little nervous after game five but they went home and handled their business. I'm happy for them. More than anything I'm happy the Lakers didn't win. Not because I don't like them, but because I'm convinced they are going to win it for the next four seasons to come. I wanted someone to get one in first. Next year can be their year, but obviously not now.

Speaking of basketball...
I don't know what I'm going to do with no games to watch. For the past eight months I've had something to watch or some game to attend. Summer is here which means SayNo games will be starting soon. And Blue is getting fixed tomorrow which means I'll be attending those games. Oh and the Olympics is this summer! Which means there will be just a few more televised games for me to enjoy. After that I'll just be sad for the next few months. So please, do me a favor and don't mention anything about basketball to me for while. I just might cry.

Speaking of Blue getting fixed!
I'm more than happy my car is getting fixed tomorrow. At 1:20pm I will be the happiest person alive. I've been so hindered with my car being bummy I didn't know what to do with myself. I might take a trip to LA tomorrow just because I can. Okay, maybe not. But still. I want to. I guess just knowing I have the power to now is enough. It's going to run me my whole economic stimulus check. But hey, shit happens.

Speaking of LA.
For those of you who do not know my little brother just signed his national letter of intent to Cal State Northridge. I'm so happy for him. He is so excited, as am I. He will do nothing but grow while he's out there and let me be the first to say he has a lot of that to do. I figured since he's graduated from high school now and will be leaving in a few months I would take him on a trip to LA with me. Since I really like this girl he's into I decided she could come to, since they are both attending Northridge in the fall. We will head to "the city" and I'll show them around the spots I used to go to. I'm thinking we'll head to Venice for a bit, have lunch at El Unico, and maybe cap off the night with a movie at The Bridge. It should be a fun time. Just my little bro and me. Oh and that chick. Just kidding Lauren! You know I love you! =]

Speaking of Venice...
I think it's time I got another tattoo. I already have one but I'm more than sure it's about time for another. Venice is probably the best place to get one because of the atmosphere. I had so much fun when I got my first. I was living in the dorms at the time and decided today was the day for a tattoo. I drove over to a place in town and decided it was a bad idea. Just getting my first tattoo in Bakersfield didn't seem like the best thing to do. So, in the middle of the day I just took off to Venice. I had no clue what tattoo shop to go to so I just walked right into the first one I saw and handed him my picture. Less than ten minutes later I was lying down on the bed getting inked up. So exciting. Thirty minutes passed and I had crossed over from good girl to bonafide badass. Now beat that.

Speaking of tattoos...
Okay this one is a stretch but bear with me. I was watching television a little while ago and I happened to be flipping through the channels. Well I stumbled upon the history channel and it was one of those specials on body mutilation. You know the ones with the people who tattoo their body to look like a cheetah or add all those weird piercing to look even weirder than their personality is in the first place. Well for whatever reason this captured my attention. So as I pick up the remote and get ready to turn the channel this commercial comes on for some new show they are having titled The Girl with Eight Limbs. I kid you not. This girl looks like a fucking octopus. I know its wrong of me to bag or to laugh. But that shit was hilarious. It was almost as funny as midgets are to me. Something about deformities is hilarious. Well when I don't see them in real life anyway. Because I know a few guys who are missing fingers and what not and that shit scares me half to death.

Speaking of midgets...
I also had the pleasure of watching a show on the WE network called the secret lives of Women. I guess it takes these women who have double lives and exposes them. I've never seen it before but it was kind of interesting. For this particular episode they were exploring the secret lives of extremely tall, extremely short, and extremely big women. The girl who was "extremely tall" was only six five. I guess I say only six five because I am so consumed in basketball that six five is nothing major. I'm used to seeing a whole bunch of big bitches on the court. The extremely big women were extremely big and that's all I have to say about that. Where the show got hilarious was with the extremely short women. They were documenting a few midgets and their lifestyle. They showed them in their house and pretty much their day-to-day activities. Well I'm talking on the phone as I'm watching this and I was saying how every midget uses the elevator because there is no way they can walk up the stairs. I've never seen it happen before I don't think it exists. Well as I'm saying this, the midget happened to be standing in front of a two-story house. After I said that Phillip asks if that's her house. I said yes. He said well how do you think she gets up the stairs in her own house. Of course maintaining my theory to the death I simply stated that there has to be an elevator in there, that or she's never been on the second story of her house. He says midgets can't afford elevators. I say sure they can, every midget I know is an entertainer. They are always in movies and TV shows. If they can afford a two-story house they can afford an elevator. Phillip not ever wanting to be wrong says something along the lines of elevators are not allowed to be in brick houses and his uncle is architect and that's how he knows. Well fuck you and your uncle because I've seen plenty of brick mansions with elevators in them. Plenty. Well I was pretty confident in my argument until they cut to the last scene of the show. They showed the midget walking up the stairs to what I think was her house. It was hilarious that she waddled up the stairs but I was mad my theory was busted. Well almost. Anytime I find myself in a bind I always have a secret weapon. I am more than convinced they photo shopped that scene and she never walked up those stairs. The things people will do for television now days.

Speaking of phone conversations...
I received a phone call from my friend Chante. She is by far one of the most hilarious people I know. I promise you there is never a dull moment with this girl. Well anyway during our short phone conversation we got a lot accomplished. Of course being an avid basketball fan she called to talk about the game. She wanted to let me know everyone on myspace was posting all these bulletins about the Celtics winning and boo Lakers and what not. Here's a quote from the conversation, "All these mutha fuckas posting these damn boo Laker bulletins and shit. These mutha fuckas know they haven't watched a game in their damn life. They just heard from somebody they know and want to post a fuckin bulletin." I kid you not. The girl is hilarious. And to be honest she's right. All these bandwagon fans can kiss my ass. Shout out to Chante for being a realistic Laker fan. I miss you!

Speaking of missing...
I'm missing some sleep right now so I'm going to go one ahead and get some. Today was better than yesterday but still worse than the day before. It happens. Like Zach said, I don't want to get too comfortable with my writing. Shout out to Zach for that good advice and being a Jay fan. Oh by the way, I'm sure you are reading this I will be responding to your Kingdom Come comment tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Until thoughts meet words… I'm out.

(15,902 words and counting… Lefty I already caught your ass.)


Unknown said...

Miss u too Ceese!!!

Poossseeeeeyyy for 3! LMAO!

Maybe next season they will get Ray-John's name right!



Anonymous said...

I doubt you've seen "plenty" of brick mansions with elevators in them. In fact, I don't even think they make brick mansions. They make mansions for ballers, so it's only right that the mansion is made out of some ballin' ass material, like gold or platinum. No bricks. Bricks are for terrible jump shooters and Pau Gasol in the post.

Speaking of post... (I had to do it)
It was a good one, once again. It was hilarious and flowed well. Keep it up wodi. Only about 88 more days left until the summer ends and you're definitely well on your way to 100 grand.